Table 7.
Adjusted frequencies (with 95% confidence interval) of M. hyopneumoniae (Mhp), A. pleuropneumoniae serogroup 1-9-11 (App1-9-11) and serotype 2 (App2) detection in breeding sows followed in five farrow-to-finish herds (184 sows, 8 sampling times, ELISA assays, Generalized Estimation Equations models with an autoregressive correlation matrix).
Herd | Mhp | App1-9-11 | App2 |
A | 82.5a (51.6;95.4) | 36.9a (8.9;76.1) | 65.2a (22.9;100) |
B | 69.3a,b (57.6;78.9) | 24.3a (13.9;37.6) | 31.6b,c (19.2;47.6) |
C | 83.5a (57.1;95.1) | 100b (77.1;100) | 73.0a (33.6;100) |
D | 79.9a (51.2;93.8) | 29.6a (5.4;69.2) | 14.4b (0.2;58.2) |
E | 55.4b (24.8;82.4) | 65.7c (27.8;95.3) | 35.1c (10.2;75.5) |
Herds with different subscripts (a, b and c) have a significantly different PCR-prevalence (p < 0.05, Generalized Estimation Equations model).