(A) The 164 bp band indicated the skipping of exon two. (B) Cspg4 knockdown embryos showed shorter body lengths than control morpholino injected embryos at 1 dpf. The body lengths were measured by using the freehand tool in ImageJ (as labeled by the red line). (C) Cspg4 splicing blocking morpholino shortened body length in a dose-dependent manner (each dot represents one embryo; Control-MO, n = 26; 2 ng MO-e2i2, n = 78; 4 ng MO-e2i2, n = 53; 8 ng MO-e2i2, n = 67). (D) Knockdown cspg4 using translational blocking morpholino also shortened body length at 1 dpf (control-MO, n = 140; 1 ng MO-start, n = 60; 2 ng MO-start, n = 139; 4 ng MO-start, n = 105). (E) Combining ineffective doses of cspg4 MO-e2i2 and MO-start shortened the body length at 1 dpf (control-MO, n = 103; 1 ng MO-start +1 ng MO-e2i2, n = 67). In panel (C and D) the significant difference between groups were tested by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison. Different letters (a, b or c) indicate a significant difference between groups (p ≤ 0.05). Student’s t-test was used to analyze data in panel (E). ** indicates p ≤ 0.01. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Scale bar represents 0.5 mm.