Fig 1. Gene structure, phylogenetic tree, and expression analysis of CsIVP.
(A) CsIVP gene structure in which exons and the intron are indicated by green boxes and a black line, respectively; red box indicates the RNAi-targeted region, and the orange box represents the bHLH domain. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of CsIVP and its homologs. CsIVP is highlighted in red, and the star indicates the duplication event of HEC3 in the Brassicaceae family. Gymnosperm sequences were used as the outgroup. Bootstrap values over 50% are placed above the branches. (C–N) RNA in situ hybridization analysis of CsIVP in cucumber. (C–F) CsIVP transcripts are highly expressed in the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia. (C) Longitudinal section of a cucumber shoot apex, (D) transverse section of a shoot apex, (E) enlarged view of the leaf primordia p4 in panel D, (F) transverse section of a shoot apex hybridized with the CsIVP sense probe. p1–p7: leaf primordia 1–7. (G–I) CsIVP is expressed in stem vascular strands (panel G) and floral organ primordium (panels H–I). (J–N) CsIVP transcripts are accumulated in fruit vascular tissues and at the boundary between the developing seed and the fruit placenta (arrow in panel L) (panels K–L). (M, N) In situ hybridization with the CsIVP sense probe. Scale bars represent 200 μm in panels C–D and F–I, 100 μm in panel E, 50 μm in panels J–K and M, and 25 μm in panels L and N. bHLH, basic Helix-Loop-Helix; C, carpel; CsIVP, Cucumis sativus Irregular Vasculature Patterning; HEC3, HECATE3; P, petal; RNAi, RNA interference; S, sepal; St, stamen; v, vascular tissue.