Figure 3. PHP.eB-mediated iMecp2 gene transfer in symptomatic Mecp2-/y mouse brains.
(a) Illustration of the experimental setting to restore the expression of Mecp2 in symptomatic mutant animals by AAV-PHP.eB systemic transduction. (b) Low magnification of Mecp2 immunostaining in brains of KO control untreated (UT) and treated animals (1×1010, 1×1011, 1×1012 vg/mouse). (c) High magnification immunostaining for Mecp2 and V5 in cortex and striatum derived from wild-type (WT) and Mecp2 treated KO (1×109, 1×1010, 1×1011, 1×1012 vg/mouse) animals (Mecp2-KO). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (merge panels). Bottom panel: bar graphs showing the fraction of Mecp2 positive on the total DAPI positive (n = 4 for 1×109–1×1010–1×1012; n = 8 1×1011 vg/mouse). (d) Western blot analysis to quantify Mecp2 over Actin protein levels in cortex (upper panel) and striatum (lower panel) derived from WT, untreated KO and iMecp2 treated KO (1×109, 1×1010, 1×1011, 1×1012 vg/mouse) animals and corresponding densitometric quantification expressed in arbitrary units (n = 4 for 1×109–1×1010–1×1012; n = 5 1×1011 vg/mouse). Error bars, SD. *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 as compared to WT mice (ANOVA-one way with Tukey’s post hoc test). Scale bars: 500 µm (b), 20 µm (c).