Critical access hospital providers (for each specialty/patient type) |
Please indicate the degree to which the following telehealth services would improve patient care in your facility. If this is a service already offered at your facility, please indicate the degree to which you feel the service improves patient care. |
Not at all likely (0 mm) ←→ Very likely (100 mm) |
Please indicate how often you feel you would use the following telehealth services: |
Never (0 mm) ←→ Always (100 mm) |
Please indicate how many inter-hospital transfers you feel the following telehealth services would prevent: |
No transfers (0 mm) ←→ All transfers (100 mm) |
Academic medical center providers (for the provider's specialty only) |
Please indicate the degree to which telehealth services within your specialty would improve patient care. If this is a service already offered at your facility, please indicate the degree to which you feel the service improves patient care. |
No improvement (0 mm) ←→ Complete improvement (100 mm) |
If telehealth services within your specialty were offered at UIHC, how often do you feel you would be consulted for these services? |
None of the qualifying patients (0 mm) ←→ All qualifying patients (100 mm) |
Please indicate how many inter-hospital transfers you feel telehealth services within your specialty would prevent: |
No transfers (0 mm) ←→ All transfers (100 mm) |