Fig. 5. UFC1 promotes NSCLC progression via the regulation of PTEN.
a QRT-PCR analysis of PTEN knockdown efficiency in A549 cells. b QRT-PCR analysis of UFC1 and PTEN expression in A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+si-PTEN. c Cell counting assays for A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+si-PTEN. d Colony formation assays for A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+si-PTEN. e Transwell migration and matrigel invasion assays for A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+ si-PTEN. f Tumor growth curves, tumor weights and sizes of mice injected with A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+si-PTEN. g HE, Ki-67, and TUNEL staining in tumor tissues from mice injected with A549 cells transfected with sh-UFC1 alone or sh-UFC1+si-PTEN. The experiments were repeated for three times. Scale bar: 100 μm. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, compared to sh-Ctrl+si-Scr group; #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001, compared to sh-Ctrl+si-Scr group.