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. 2009 Jul 5;391(2):304–314. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2009.06.006

Table 1.

Proteins differentially isolated with the ends of the TGEV genome.

RNA bait Accesion no. Protein namea Functionb Mr Masses matched/searched Score/threshold/databasec Speciesd Ne
3′TGEV gi|4504445 hnRNP A1 RNA transport, processing, and splicing 34289 11/32 107/70/m H, R, P 3
3′TGEV gi|4504447 hnRNP A2B1 RNA transport and splicing 36041 16/32 165/65/Hs H, R, P 3⁎
3′TGEV gi|5803036 hnRNP A0 RNA splicing 30993 5/18 76/65/Hs H, R 3
3′TGEV gi|3202000 hnRNP U RNA processing and splicing 91164 19/35 136/78/nr H, R, P 3⁎
3′TGEV gi|44888326 hnRNP Q (SYNCRIP) RNA processing and splicing 69818 27/66 321/76/nr H, R, P 3⁎
3′TGEV gi|693937 Polyadenylate binding protein (PABP) RNA splicing and stabilization 70671 9/13 84/69/m H 3⁎
3′TGEV gi|5803036 Glutamyl-prolyl tRNA synthetase (EPRS) Translation 172080 25/28 269/78/nr H, R, P 3⁎
3′TGEV gi|30583627 Arginyl-tRNA synthetase Translation 76129 17/84 111/76/nr H, P 2⁎
3′TGEV gi|60415925 staphylococcal nuclease domain containing 1; p100 co-activator Transcription and RNA interference 102709 29/40 363/76/nr H, R 3
5′TGEV gi|131529 Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1 (PTB) RNA splicing 56671 1/1 82/50/nr H 2

When alternative names are given, the one used in this study is shown in boldface.


Biological process according to Gene Ontology.


Mascot scores are given in boldface. Mascot threshold scores indicate the limit score from which the identification was significant (p < 0.05). Searches were performed against the NCBI database without restrictions (nr). In the indicated cases taxonomy was restricted to humans (Hs) or mammals (m).


Different species in which the protein was identified in parallel experiments, coming from human Huh-7 (H), rodent BHK-pAPN (R) or porcine ST (P) cell extracts.


Number of times that the protein was identified showing a clear binding preference for the indicated RNA bait. Asterisks indicate that the identification was confirmed by MS/MS.