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. 2012 Aug 15;2012(8):CD002814. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002814.pub2

Halpern 2007.

Methods Parallel group trial design. The participants were assigned to a treatment group using a computerised randomisation method. It is assumed that data would have been analysed on an intention‐to‐treat basis if any patients had withdrawn from the study, although this was not stated. Treatment was administered in 4 sessions per week for 4 weeks with each session lasting 50 minutes. Assessments were carried out pre‐ and post‐treatment.
Participants 8 participants in novel (Articulation‐focused LSVT) and 10 in standard (Loudness‐focused LSVT). No drop‐outs were mentioned in the published material. Patients mean age 70.5 (LSVT Artic), 66.1 (LSVT LOUD); male/female 6/2 (LSVT Artic), 7/3 (LSVT LOUD); Hoehn and Yahr (stage on meds) score 2.2 (LSVT Artic) and 2.2 (LSVT LOUD); duration of condition was not assessed. No inclusion or exclusion criteria stated.
Interventions Novel Therapy: LSVT Artic, following same general principles as LSVT as described for Ramig 1995 but with focus on articulation and cue used is ENUNCIATE. Standard therapy, LSVT Loud, as described for Ramig 1995 with original LOUD cue used.
Outcomes Speech intelligibility measured using DRT for no noise, shopping mall noise and babble noise conditions.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Specified eligibility criteria High risk Criteria not stated
Randomisation method Low risk Randomised by computer random number generator
Adequate concealment of allocation Unclear risk Concealment of allocation not stated
Similar at baseline Unclear risk Groups similar in age, severity of condition and male/female ratio
Withdrawals > 10% Low risk No withdrawals
Missing values > 10% Low risk No missing data
Cointerventions constant Low risk Stable drug regimen confirmed through correspondence with author
Credible placebo Low risk Same time and attention for both groups
Blinded assessors Low risk Blinding of assessors confirmed through correspondence with author