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. 2009 Oct 7;2009(4):CD002823. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002823.pub2

Ng 2003.

Methods Randomised controlled trial 
 3‐arm parallel group design 
 Trial duration: 4 weeks 
 Unstratified randomisation 
 No power calculation reported
Participants 24 patients randomised 
 24 patients with knee OA reported at baseline 
 Study joints: 24 knees 
 Number of females: 23 of 24 (96%) 
 Average age: 85 years
Interventions Experimental intervention: TENS, 4 times per week, with a total of 8 applications and educational pamphlet 
 Control intervention: educational pamphlet 
 Duration of treatment period: 2 weeks 
 Unclear whether analgesics were allowed and whether intake was similar between groups
Device: ITO model F‐2 (dual channel) 
 Self‐administered: no 
 Waveform: unclear 
 Pulse width: 200 µsec 
 Pulse frequency: 2 Hz 
 Amplitude: above sensory threshold, until strong, tolerable, stroking sensation, preferably evoking phasic muscle contraction 
 Duration of stimulation per session: 20 minutes 
 Electrode placement: acupuncture points ST35, EX‐LE‐4 
 Electrodes: 50 x 35 mm2
Outcomes Extracted pain outcome: global pain after 4 weeks, described as "pain (Numeric rating scale (NRS))" 
 No function outcome reported
No primary outcome reported
Notes 2 out of 3 trial arms qualified for inclusion in this review
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Low risk Drawing lots. Quote: "Subjects were randomly assigned by drawing a piece of paper that designated each person to the EA, TENS, and control groups"
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk No information provided
Free of selective reporting? Low risk Quote: "In each evaluation session, three outcome measures were collected." The authors present results of all these 3 outcomes.
Adequate blinding of patients? High risk No sham intervention
Incomplete outcome reporting: intention‐to‐treat analysis performed? 
 Pain Unclear risk No information provided
Incomplete outcome reporting: intention‐to‐treat analysis performed? 
 Function Unclear risk Not applicable
Funding by commercial organisation avoided? Unclear risk No information provided
Funding by non‐profit organisation? Unclear risk No information provided