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. 2009 Oct 7;2009(4):CD002823. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002823.pub2

Smith 1983.

Methods Randomised sham controlled trial 
 2‐arm parallel group design 
 Trial duration: 8 weeks 
 Randomisation stratified according to gender 
 Multicentre trial with 2 centres 
 No power calculation reported
Participants 32 patients randomised 
 30 patients with knee OA reported at baseline 
 Study joints: 30 knees 
 Number of females: 20 of 30 (67%) 
 Average age: 68 years
Interventions Experimental intervention: TENS, twice per week* 
 Control intervention: sham TENS, twice per week* 
 Duration of treatment period: 4 weeks 
 Analgesics intake assessed and found to be similar between groups
Device: RDG Tiger Pulse 
 Self‐administered: no 
 Waveform: square 
 Pulse width: 80 µsec 
 Pulse frequency: 32 to 50 Hz 
 Amplitude: above sensory threshold, adjusted up to a comfortable tingling sensation 
 Duration of stimulation per session: 20 minutes 
 Electrodes: 4 Lec Tec pads applied with electrode jelly 
 Placement: tender knee points or acupuncture points (SP9, xiyan and UB40)
Outcomes Extracted pain outcome: global pain after 8 weeks, described as "Weekly pain score derived from daily pain recording (linear 7‐point scale)"** 
 No function outcome reported
No primary outcome reported
Notes *Preceded by 1 'standard' week without any treatment, **No pain outcome data presented, investigators were contacted, but we did not receive any reply. This study only contributed in safety analysis.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Low risk Computer generated. Quote: "(...) assigned by random computer programme and effected by using sealed envelopes containing cards which defined the treatment (...)".
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk Sealed assignment envelopes, but unclear whether these were opaque and sequential
Free of selective reporting? High risk No results reported for some outcomes mentioned in the methods section, including sleep disturbance
Adequate blinding of patients? Low risk Use of sham device: RDG Tiger Pulse with broken electrode connection at jack point, no current passed but flashing light on. Quote: "Exactly the same procedure were followed for both the treatment and control groups".
Incomplete outcome reporting: intention‐to‐treat analysis performed? 
 Pain High risk 15 out of 16 (0.94) randomised to experimental and 15 out of 16 (0.94) randomised to control group were analysed
Incomplete outcome reporting: intention‐to‐treat analysis performed? 
 Function Unclear risk Not applicable
Funding by commercial organisation avoided? Unclear risk No information provided
Funding by non‐profit organisation? Unclear risk No information provided