Table 3.
Complications After Arthroscopic SCR Using Acellular Porcine Dermal Xenograft
Patient No. | Complication | Revision Surgery | Pre-existing Condition | Preoperative Status | Status at Final Follow-Up |
1 | Lack of healing | No | Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis | SPADI score, 71.5%; aAbd, 40°; aFF, 50° | SPADI score, 58.5%; aAbd, 120°; aFF, 130° |
2 | Rupture of graft, progression of arthritis | Yes (BS) | No | SPADI score, 90.57%; aAbd, 40°; aFF, 40° | SPADI score, 59.2%; aAbd, 50°; aFF, 60° |
3 | Acute immunologic reaction | Yes (AD) | Chronic osteomyelitis in jaw | SPADI score, 55.4%; aAbd, 60°; aFF, 70° | SPADI score, 24.6%; aAbd, 90°; aFF, 90° |
4 | Lack of healing | Yes (BS) | Smoking | SPADI score, 59.2%; aAbd, 80°; aFF, 80° | SPADI score, 59.2%; aAbd, 90°; aFF, 90° |
5 | Acute immunologic reaction | Yes (AD; later, rSCR) | No | SPADI score, 86.92%; aAbd, 40°; aFF, 70° | SPADI score, 30.77%; aAbd, 90°; aFF, 120° |
6 | Acute immunologic reaction | Yes (AD) | Psoriatic arthritis | SPADI score, 67.7%; aAbd, 80°; aFF, 90° | SPADI score, 41.5%; aAbd, 90°; aFF, 140° |
aAbd, active abduction; AD, arthroscopic debridement and removal of xenograft debris; aFF, active forward flexion; BS, implantation of balloon spacer; rSCR, revision superior capsular reconstruction with fascia lata graft; SCR, superior capsular reconstruction; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index.