Fig. 72.3.
Experimental model of ex vivo creation of the donor-recipient chimeric cells (DRCC). DRCC will be created ex vivo by the chemical polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced cell fusion of the bone marrow cells harvested from the ACI (RT1a) and Lewis (RT1l) rat donors. Isolated bone marrow cells will be separately stained with two different (red/orange and green) fluorescent dyes. Next, the ex vivo fusion will be performed using PEG. Supportive therapy using the fused DRCC will be given based on the double fluorescent staining and will be injected into the bone of Lewis (RT1l) rat recipients along with the donor matching (ACI) VCA (skin allograft) transplant. * – Seven day protocol of combined αβ-TCR mAb (250 μg/day) and CsA (16 mg/kg/day) therapy