Fig. 1.
Schematic representation of the components of a cell-free translation system and of the steps involved in a cell-free translation reaction. Secretory and transmembrane proteins can be expressed and cotranslationally translocated across and into membranes when the lysate system is supplemented with endoplasmic reticulum derived membrane vesicles (microsomes) (A). Secretory and transmembrane proteins will be co- and posttranslationally modified inside the microsomes (B). Modifications include signal peptidase (SPase)-mediated cleavage of N-terminal signal peptides (I), core glycosylation (II), and disulfide bridge formation (III). Polypeptide modifications I and II, leading to an increased (I), or decreased (II) mobility on SDS protein gels, can readily be detected by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography (C).