Table 4.3.
ASRM recommended components of the oocyte donor’s physical exam [7]
Physical evidence for risk of sexually transmitted disease such as genital ulcerative lesions, herpes simplex, chancroid, and urethral discharge |
Physical evidence for risk of or evidence of syphilis |
Physical evidence of anal intercourse including perianal condylomata |
Physical evidence of nonmedical percutaneous drug use such as needle tracks; the examination should include examination of tattoos, which might be covering needle tracks |
Physical evidence of recent tattooing, ear piercing, or body piercing |
Disseminated lymphadenopathy |
Unexplained oral thrush |
Blue or purple spots consistent with Kaposi sarcoma |
Unexplained jaundice, hepatomegaly, or icterus |
Large scab consistent with recent history of smallpox immunization |
Eczema vaccinatum, generalized vesicular rash, severely necrotic lesion (consistent with vaccinia necrosum), or corneal scarring (consistent with vaccinial keratitis) |