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. 2003 Dec 29;43(1):6–14. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2003.08.005

Table 1.

Features of patients screened by the ED.

Features Probable SARS (n=117) Suspected SARS (n=146) Admitted Non-SARS (n=1,151) Discharged From ED (n=10,047)
Men, % (95% CI) 40.2 (31.3–49.1) 51.4 (43.3–59.5) 55 (52.1–58) 52.8 (51.8–53.8)
Mean age, y (95% CI) 38 (35–41) 35.6 (33.1–38.2) 42.7 (41.4–44) 34.5 (34.2–34.8)
Median age, y 37 33 38 32
Travel to affected areas, % (95% CI) 2.6 (0.5–7.3) 24 (17–30.9) 20 (17.6–22.4) 15 (14.4–15.9)
Risk categorization, no/low, % (95% CI); 26.5 (18.5–34.5); 22 (15.2–28.6); 33.2 (30.4–36); 58.9 (57.9–59.9);
moderate/high, % (95% CI) 73.5 (65.5–81.5) 78 (71.4–84.8) 66.8 (63.9–69.5) 41.1 (40.1–42.1)
Undertriage at first ED consultation, % (95% CI) 11.1 (5.4–16.8) 10.3 (5.4–15.2) Not applicable Not applicable