Fig. 7.
Analysis of changes in the expression of proteins involved in iron uptake pathways in P. aeruginosa cells during A549 epithelial cell infection, in the absence and presence of exosiderophores. Proteomic analyses were performed on P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells after 3 h of incubation with A549 epithelial cells in RPMI medium, with or without 10 μm FERRI, VIB, or YER. Median values measured in the infection assay in the absence of any supplementation with siderophores were plotted against median values measured in the infection assay supplemented with either 10 μm FERRI, VIB, or YER. Median values represent the median of the relative intensity of each protein, normalized against all proteins detected by shotgun analysis (n = 5). Supplemental Data S3 shows the detailed results of protein identification and quantitation.