Fig. 7.
Parallel reaction monitoring demonstrates dephosphorylation of Nth1 S83 upon inhibition of PKA, PKA+Ypk1 and Ypk1. A, Extracted ion chromatograms of transitions of seven site-determining ions (i.e. ions not shared with other potential phospho-isoforms) of 80RGS(ph)EDDTYSSSQGNR94 (precursor 580.2270; z = 3) were extracted from a PRM-experiment on phospho-peptides from strains treated with DMSO or 500 nm 1NM-PP1 for 15 min. Three replicates were analyzed per condition. B, Barplot depicting weighted-mean intensities of phospho-peptides corresponding to Nth1 S83p shown in A. Indicated strains were treated with DMSO (gray) or 500 nm 1NM-PP1 (orange) for 15 min. Bars represent averages from three replicates and errorbars represent standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate significant fold changes at p values less than 0.05.