Time to recovery (TR) for neutrophil counts, platelet counts, and hemoglobin concentrations association with 4OH-CTX or
CEPM exposure. Each dot represents an individual value. The first, second, and third rows depict the platelet, hemoglobin, and
neutrophil time to recovery values, respectively, in association with cyclophosphamide, 4OH-CTX, or CEPM exposure. Black diamonds
represent the mean drug exposure values for the two groups of patients with either TR = 0 or TR > 0. Black
P values denote the statistical comparison of the drug exposure distribution between these two groups of
patients (Wilcoxon–Mann-Whitney test). Color P values denote the Spearman correlation between the drug
exposures and the TR > 0. Dark color dots represent data from infant patients (< 1 year), and light color dots are
data from other children (1 to 5 years).