Table 1.
CRU TS variables, showing codes, units, correlation decay distances (CDDs) and precursors.
Variables | Code | Units | CDD (km) | Precursors |
Variables - primary | ||||
Mean 2 m temperature | TMP | degrees Celsius | 1200 | None |
Diurnal 2 m temperature range | DTR | degrees Celsius | 750 | TMN, TMX databases |
Precipitation rate | PRE | mm/month | 450 | None |
Variables - secondary | ||||
Vapour pressure | VAP | hPa | 1000 | TMP, DTR |
Wet days (Notes 1, 2) | WET | days | 450 | PRE |
Cloud cover | CLD | percentage | 600 | DTR |
Variables - derived | ||||
Frost days (Note 3) | FRS | days per month | 750 | TMN |
Minimum 2 m temperature (Note 4) | TMN | degrees Celsius | 1200 | TMP, DTR |
Maximum 2 m temperature (Note 4) | TMX | degrees Celsius | 1200 | TMP, DTR |
Potential evapo-transpiration (Note 5) | PET | mm/day | n/a | TMP, TMX, TMN, VAP, CLD |
Note 1: A wet day is one receiving ≥0.1 mm precipitation.
Note 2: Used in diverse areas, including evaluation of satellite observations32 and evaluation of potential evapotranspiration equations36.
Note 3: Also used in many areas, including dendroclimatology37 and health38.
Note 4: Used to calculate scPDSI for monitoring drought39, and in areas including regional agronomic production40 and river basin vegetation41.
Note 5: minimum and maximum temperatures are the monthly means of the individual daily minimum and maximum temperatures; they are not the overall minimum or maximum temperature recorded in each month.