Figure 4.
In vivo mouse xenograft study (A–C) with radiosensitive HCT116 and (D,E) radioresistant A431 tumors. (A) HCT116 tumor growth over time (n > 6 per group, error bars = SD). HCT116 xenografts followed over time, until the first animal in each group was sacrificed. (B) HCT116 tumor size on day 7 (one week after treatment start). (C) Survival proportions of the different treatment groups. Statistical significance *P = 0.05, n > 6, error bars = SD. (D) A431 tumor growth over time (n > 4 per group, error bars = SD). A431 xenografts followed over time, until the first animal in each group was sacrificed. (E) A431 tumor size on day 7 (one week after treatment start). (F) Synergistic effects displayed as combination index (CI) plot for the combination of Onalespib and radiotherapy treated HCT116 and A431 tumor xenografts (CI < 0.8).