What is the clinical presentation and spectrum of disease?
Patient cohorts or patient registry.
Resource for hospitalised cases: Modified ISARIC/WHO Clinical Characterization protocol using new CRF form for COVID-19 (https://isaric.tghn.org/novel-coronavirus/)
The First Few X (FFX) WHO Protocol https://www.who.int/publications-detail/the-first-few-x-(ffx)-cases-and-contact-investigation-protocol-for-2019-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov)-infection)
What are the risk factors for death or severe illness?
Case-control study or prospective cohort with outcome of death or another defined poor outcome
What treatments are effective?
Randomised controlled trials or adaptive trial designs
What is the role of antivirals in treatment?
WHO Master Protocol: https://www.who.int/blueprint/priority-diseases/key-action/multicenter-adaptive-RCT-of-investigational-therapeutics-for-COVID-19.pdf?ua=1
What is the role of steroids in treatment?
What is the optimal diagnostic test for detecting the virus?
Diagnostic validation studies with clinical specimens
What is the duration of viral shedding?
Prospective cohort with systematic serial collection of specimens
Resource for hospitalised cases: ISARIC/WHO Clinical Characterization protocol (https://isaric.net/ccp)
What characteristics define a “case”?
Clinical or population-based cohorts
Resource for hospitalised cases: ISARIC/WHO Clinical Characterization protocol (https://isaric.net/ccp)
The First Few X (FFX) WHO Protocol
What are the risk factors which pre-dispose health care workers to infection or transmission? |
HCW cohort studies or case-control studies
Resource: WHO HCW risk factor protocol (https://www.who.int/publications-detail/protocol-for-assessment-of-potential-risk-factors-for-2019-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov)-infection-among-health-care-workers-in-a-health-care-setting)
What are the risk factors for infection? (patient population) |
Patient cohort
Resource: The First Few X (FFX) WHO Protocol
What are the psychosocial consequences of infection with the virus?
Mixed methods study (survey + qualitative interviews)
What is the causative agent of disease? |
Laboratory based study with clinical specimens, fulfilling Koch’s postulates |