Table 1. Select Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Medicare Advantage and Commercially Insured Enrollees (Comparison Group) 65 Years or Older During the Year Before and After the 2013 Medicare Part D Policy Change.
Characteristic | Study participants, No. (%) | |||
2012a | 2014a | |||
Medicare Advantage (n = 2 329 980) | Comparison group (n = 442 716) | Medicare Advantage (n = 2 727 897) | Comparison group (n = 395 406) | |
Age, y | ||||
65-69 | 601 650 (25.8) | 250 848 (56.7) | 678 930 (24.9) | 248 715 (62.9) |
70-74 | 604 891 (26.0) | 80 390 (18.2) | 739 907 (27.1) | 69 756 (17.6) |
75-79 | 439 890 (18.9) | 44 681 (10.1) | 514 435 (18.9) | 32 484 (8.2) |
≥80 | 683 549 (29.3) | 66 797 (15.1) | 794 625 (29.1) | 44 451 (11.2) |
Sexb | ||||
Female | 1 340 361 (57.5) | 209 666 (47.4) | 1 577 131 (57.8) | 185 400 (46.9) |
Male | 989 619 (42.5) | 232 706 (52.6) | 1 150 766 (42.2) | 209 588 (53.0) |
Race/ethnicityc | ||||
Asian | 81 133 (3.5) | 11 047 (2.50) | 98 899 (3.6) | 11 451 (2.9) |
Black | 202 803 (8.7) | 34 072 (7.7) | 219 710 (8.1) | 30 187 (7.6) |
Hispanic | 222 566 (9.6) | 26 677 (6.0) | 293 032 (10.7) | 28 007 (7.1) |
White | 1 544 124 (66.3) | 351 031 (79.3) | 1 765 941 (64.7) | 307 435 (77.8) |
Unknown | 66 483 (2.9) | 15 666 (3.5) | 80 603 (3.0) | 14 259 (3.6) |
US Census division | ||||
East North Central | 238 417 (10.2) | 65 080 (14.7) | 374 688 (13.7) | 60 583 (15.3) |
East South Central | 66 568 (2.9) | 14 337 (3.2) | 69 486 (2.6) | 14 467 (3.7) |
Middle Atlantic | 189 933 (8.2) | 29 635 (6.7) | 267 295 (9.8) | 25 206 (6.4) |
Mountain | 268 918 (11.5) | 46 873 (10.6) | 303 652 (11.1) | 47 127 (11.9) |
New England | 131 578 (5.7) | 16 185 (3.7) | 135 140 (5.0) | 14 559 (3.7) |
Pacific | 471 462 (20.2) | 49 625 (11.2) | 494 111 (18.1) | 45 763 (11.6) |
South Atlantic | 464 108 (19.9) | 103 862 (23.5) | 498 123 (18.3) | 83 340 (21.1) |
West North Central | 223 550 (9.6) | 61 263 (0.8) | 245 803 (9.0) | 46 661 (11.8) |
West South Central | 231 823 (10.0) | 52 514 (13.8) | 288 748 (10.6) | 52 992 (13.4) |
Unknown | 43 623 (1.9) | 3342 (11.9) | 50 851 (1.9) | 4708 (1.2) |
FPL status | ||||
≤400% | 1 875 465 (80.5) | 404 595 (91.4) | 2 185 833 (88.9) | 361 352 (91.4) |
>400% | 84 (0.0) | 49 (0.0) | 48 (0.0) | 50 (0.0) |
Unknown or missing | 454 431 (19.5) | 38 072 (8.6) | 542 016 (19.9) | 34 004 (8.6) |
Select diagnoses | ||||
Any anxiety disorder | 56 718 (2.4) | 9252 (2.1) | 90 219 (3.3) | 10 255 (2.6) |
Generalized anxiety disorder | 51 125 (2.2) | 7662 (1.7) | 80 149 (2.9) | 8334 (2.1) |
PTSD | 4138 (0.2) | 1263 (0.3) | 8361 (0.3) | 1625 (0.4) |
Other anxiety disorders | 2714 (0.1) | 590 (0.1) | 4283 (0.2) | 672 (0.2) |
Dementia | 264 141 (11.3) | 25 259 (5.7) | 340 597 (12.5) | 20 370 (5.2) |
Depression | 343 778 (14.8) | 45 850 (10.4) | 485 935 (17.8) | 44 818 (11.3) |
Seizure disorders | 20 469 (0.9) | 2802 (0.6) | 29 168 (1.1) | 2694 (0.7) |
Insomnia | 184 869 (7.9) | 26 565 (6.0) | 277 749 (10.2) | 28 832 (7.3) |
Abbreviations: FPL, federal poverty level; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.
Includes enrollees with 1 month or more of enrollment during the indicated calendar year.
Missing for 334 (0.1%) in the 2012 comparison group and 418 (0.1%) in the 2014 comparison group.
Missing for 212 871 (9.1%) in the Medicare Advantage group in 2012, 269 712 (9.9%) in the Medicare Advantage group in 2014, 4223 (1.0%) in the comparison group in 2012, and 4067 (1.0%) in the comparison group in 2014.