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. 2020 Apr 3;3(4):e202051. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.2051

Table 1. Select Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Medicare Advantage and Commercially Insured Enrollees (Comparison Group) 65 Years or Older During the Year Before and After the 2013 Medicare Part D Policy Change.

Characteristic Study participants, No. (%)
2012a 2014a
Medicare Advantage (n = 2 329 980) Comparison group (n = 442 716) Medicare Advantage (n = 2 727 897) Comparison group (n = 395 406)
Age, y
65-69 601 650 (25.8) 250 848 (56.7) 678 930 (24.9) 248 715 (62.9)
70-74 604 891 (26.0) 80 390 (18.2) 739 907 (27.1) 69 756 (17.6)
75-79 439 890 (18.9) 44 681 (10.1) 514 435 (18.9) 32 484 (8.2)
≥80 683 549 (29.3) 66 797 (15.1) 794 625 (29.1) 44 451 (11.2)
Female 1 340 361 (57.5) 209 666 (47.4) 1 577 131 (57.8) 185 400 (46.9)
Male 989 619 (42.5) 232 706 (52.6) 1 150 766 (42.2) 209 588 (53.0)
Asian 81 133 (3.5) 11 047 (2.50) 98 899 (3.6) 11 451 (2.9)
Black 202 803 (8.7) 34 072 (7.7) 219 710 (8.1) 30 187 (7.6)
Hispanic 222 566 (9.6) 26 677 (6.0) 293 032 (10.7) 28 007 (7.1)
White 1 544 124 (66.3) 351 031 (79.3) 1 765 941 (64.7) 307 435 (77.8)
Unknown 66 483 (2.9) 15 666 (3.5) 80 603 (3.0) 14 259 (3.6)
US Census division
East North Central 238 417 (10.2) 65 080 (14.7) 374 688 (13.7) 60 583 (15.3)
East South Central 66 568 (2.9) 14 337 (3.2) 69 486 (2.6) 14 467 (3.7)
Middle Atlantic 189 933 (8.2) 29 635 (6.7) 267 295 (9.8) 25 206 (6.4)
Mountain 268 918 (11.5) 46 873 (10.6) 303 652 (11.1) 47 127 (11.9)
New England 131 578 (5.7) 16 185 (3.7) 135 140 (5.0) 14 559 (3.7)
Pacific 471 462 (20.2) 49 625 (11.2) 494 111 (18.1) 45 763 (11.6)
South Atlantic 464 108 (19.9) 103 862 (23.5) 498 123 (18.3) 83 340 (21.1)
West North Central 223 550 (9.6) 61 263 (0.8) 245 803 (9.0) 46 661 (11.8)
West South Central 231 823 (10.0) 52 514 (13.8) 288 748 (10.6) 52 992 (13.4)
Unknown 43 623 (1.9) 3342 (11.9) 50 851 (1.9) 4708 (1.2)
FPL status
≤400% 1 875 465 (80.5) 404 595 (91.4) 2 185 833 (88.9) 361 352 (91.4)
>400% 84 (0.0) 49 (0.0) 48 (0.0) 50 (0.0)
Unknown or missing 454 431 (19.5) 38 072 (8.6) 542 016 (19.9) 34 004 (8.6)
Select diagnoses
Any anxiety disorder 56 718 (2.4) 9252 (2.1) 90 219 (3.3) 10 255 (2.6)
Generalized anxiety disorder 51 125 (2.2) 7662 (1.7) 80 149 (2.9) 8334 (2.1)
PTSD 4138 (0.2) 1263 (0.3) 8361 (0.3) 1625 (0.4)
Other anxiety disorders 2714 (0.1) 590 (0.1) 4283 (0.2) 672 (0.2)
Dementia 264 141 (11.3) 25 259 (5.7) 340 597 (12.5) 20 370 (5.2)
Depression 343 778 (14.8) 45 850 (10.4) 485 935 (17.8) 44 818 (11.3)
Seizure disorders 20 469 (0.9) 2802 (0.6) 29 168 (1.1) 2694 (0.7)
Insomnia 184 869 (7.9) 26 565 (6.0) 277 749 (10.2) 28 832 (7.3)

Abbreviations: FPL, federal poverty level; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.


Includes enrollees with 1 month or more of enrollment during the indicated calendar year.


Missing for 334 (0.1%) in the 2012 comparison group and 418 (0.1%) in the 2014 comparison group.


Missing for 212 871 (9.1%) in the Medicare Advantage group in 2012, 269 712 (9.9%) in the Medicare Advantage group in 2014, 4223 (1.0%) in the comparison group in 2012, and 4067 (1.0%) in the comparison group in 2014.