Fig. 5.
Clinical utility of the ultrasensitive pathogen diagnostic system integrated with the SLIM system and iNAD sensor to test blood plasma samples from HZ patients. (A) Fourteen plasma samples from HZ infected patients were collected and enriched with and without the SLIM platform and detected by either PCR or with the bio-optical iNAD sensor as follows: (1): real-time PCR detection without enrichment, (2): real-time PCR detection after processing on the SLIM system, (3): iNAD detection after processing on the SLIM system. (B) Fluorescence signals obtained by real-time PCR amplification of viral DNA from 14 specimens extracted using either a Qiagen kit (gray) or the SLIM system (black). (C) Clinical utility of the ultrasensitive pathogen diagnostic SLIM system in analyzing samples from 14 human HZ patients (S1–S14, black and gray) and 3 non-HZ patients (human adenovirus) (N1–N3, red) over a 30 min duration. The red line represents the cut-off (criterion) for reporting viral positivity. The error bars indicate the standard deviation from the mean, based on at least three independent experiments. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).