Table 1.
COPD Prevalence in Various Provinces in China
Prevalence, % |
Study/Year | City/Province | Age, y | N | Diagnostic Criteria | M/F | R/U | T | Risk Factors |
Tang et al6/2001 | Anhui | 9.8/5.4 | 7.3/… | 7.3 | Gender; smoking; age of starting smoking; sites of inhaling smoke; time of heating; dust exposure; marital status; pepper consumption | |||
Xu et al7/2005 | Nanjing/Jiangsu | ≥ 35 | 29,319 | Physician diagnosis | 7.2/4.7 | 4.4/6.7 | 5.9 | Gender; age; living conditiona; smoking; TACS |
Liu et al8/2005 | Guangdong | ≥ 40 | 3,286 | Post-BD spirometry | 15.9/4.8 | 12.0/7.4 | 9.4 | Gender; age; smoking; biomass fuel use; ventilation in the kitchen; family history; respiratory infection during childhood |
Shan and Chen9/2007 | Tianjin | ≥ 40 | 3,008 | Post-BD spirometry | … | 11.4/8.3 | 9.6 | Age; gender; smoking; family history; living conditiona |
Ma et al10/2005 | Shanghai | ≥ 65 | 1,214 | Post-BD spirometry | 18.9/6.5 | 16.7/8.0 | 12.1 | Gender; living conditiona; educational level; ventilation in the kitchen and living room; smoking; TACS; occupational exposure |
Cai et al11/2009 | Shilin/Yunnan | ≥ 45 | 6,006 | Ph | 8.3/5.1 | 6.7/… | 6.7 | Gender; age; biomass fuel exposure |
Wang et al12/2005 | Shaoguan/Guangdong | ≥ 40 | 1,468 | Post-BD spirometry | 18.3/7.1 | 12.0/… | 12.0 | Smoking; age; frequent cough during childhood; biomass fuel exposure |
Yao et al13/2005 | Yanqing/Beijing | ≥ 40 | 1,624 | Post-BD spirometry | 15.1/3.8 | 9.1/… | 9.1 | Gender; age; smoking; family history; frequent cough before 14 y; BMI |
Jiang et al14/2007 | Hubei | ≥ 40 | 1,883 | Post-BD spirometry | 13.7/6.6 | 9.9/… | 9.9 | Gender; age; smoking; cooking time; family history; frequent cough before age 14 y |
Chen et al15/2008 | Lianjiang/Guangdong | ≥ 40 | 1,368 | Post-BD spirometry | 11.1/4.3 | 7.0/… | 7.0 | Age; gender; smoking; BMI; biomass fuel exposure; ventilation in the kitchen; occupational exposure; respiratory infection during childhood; family history |
Li et al16/2009 | Chongqing | ≥ 40 | 1,518 | Post-BD spirometry | 23.0/7.5 | …/12.8 | 12.8 | Smoking; biomass fuel exposure |
Hong et al17/2009 | Changsha/Hunan | ≥ 15 | 8,243 | Spirometry | 7.6/2.6 | 5.3/4.8 | 5.1 | Smoking; biomass fuel exposure; gender; family history; educational level |
Zhang et al18/2006 | Qingdao/Shandong | ≥ 40 | 410 | Spirometry | 7.9/5.9 | 6.9/… | 6.9 | Age; smoking; biomass fuel exposure; living area; family history; BMI |
Hou et al19/2007 | Shenyang, Jinzhou/Liaoning | ≥ 40 | 1,100 | Post-BD spirometry | … | … | 5.9 | Age; family history; low BMI |
Data collected from literature covered by SCI or Chinese Core Journals. Postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC of 70% was defined as COPD according to Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) diagnostic criteria. BD = bronchodilator; F = female; M = male; Ph = physician diagnosis; R = rural; T = total; TACS = total amount of cigarettes smoked; U = urban.
Rural areas or urban areas.