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. 2002 Nov 23;299(1):1–34. doi: 10.1016/S0378-1119(02)01056-9

Table 3.

Partial list of cellular and viral mRNAs that produce two separately-initiated proteins by context-dependent leaky scanninga

Source of mRNA Identifying information Sequence flanking first AUG codonb Protein productsc References
Glucocorticoid receptor gene Human CUGaugG; tested Long and short transactivators Yudt and Cidlowski, 2001
NFAT transcription factor gene Human CGGaugC 90 and 86 kDa isoforms Lyakh et al., 1997
C/EBPα gened Mouse CCCaugG; tested 42 and 30 kDa isoforms Lin et al., 1993, Ossipow et al., 1993
Rx/rax homeobox gene Mouse UCCaugC; tested Long and short isoforms Tucker et al., 2001
GATA-1 gene Human, mouse CCCaugG (mouse); UCCaugG (human) 50 and 40 kDa isoforms Calligaris et al., 1995, Wechsler et al., 2002
Peripherin gene Rat UGAaugC; tested Long and short isoforms Ho et al., 1995
MxB protein gene Human CACaugU; tested Nuclear and cytoplasmic isoforms Melén et al., 1996
Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 gene Human UUGaugU Nuclear and cytoplasmic isoforms Handley-Gearhart et al., 1994, Shang et al., 2001
Microtubule-associated protein gene Human CCAaugC Long and short isoforms Su and Qi, 2001
Von Hippel-Lindau genee Human GGAaugC 24 and 18 kDa isoforms Iliopoulos et al., 1998, Schoenfeld et al., 1998
S6 kinase gene Human, rat CCCaugA Long and short isoforms Grove et al., 1991, Reinhard et al., 1992
Rlk/Txk tyrosine kinase gene Mouse GCCaugA Long and short isoforms Debnath et al., 1999
Vitamin D receptor gene Chicken UCCaugU; tested Long and short isoforms Lu et al., 1997
Val-tRNA synthetase gene Arabidopsis UCUaugU; tested Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic isoforms Souciet et al., 1999
Simian virus 40 Late 19S mRNA UCCaugG; tested Capsid proteins VP2 and VP3 Sedman and Mertz, 1988
Cytomegalovirus UL4 mRNA GUGaugC; tested Inhibitory peptide and gp48 Cao and Geballe, 1995
Adenovirus type 5 Region E3 UAUaugA 6.7 kDa protein and gp19K Wilson-Rawls et al., 1990, Wold et al., 1986
Adenovirus type 5 Region E1B UCCaugG 21 kDa and 55kDa proteins Bos et al., 1981
Hepatitis B virus 2.1 kb mRNA GCCaugC; tested Middle (pre-S2) and small (p24) surface proteins Sheu and Lo, 1992
Feline leukemia retrovirusf Genomic mRNA CUGaugU gp80gag and pr65gag Laprevotte et al., 1984
HIV-1 Spliced mRNA GUAaugC; tested Vpu and Env Schwartz et al., 1992
HIV-1 Spliced mRNA CCUaugG; tested Rev and Nef Schwartz et al., 1992
Reovirus (mammalian) RNA segment S1 CGGaugG; tested σ1 and 14kDa proteins Fajardo and Shatkin, 1990, Kozak, 1982
Reovirus (baboon)g RNA segment S4 UACaugG p15 and p16 proteins Dawe and Duncan, 2002
Bunyavirus RNA segment S UCAaugA Nucleocapsid (N) and NSs Bridgen et al., 2001, Elliott and McGregor, 1989
Influenza A virusg RNA segment 2 UGAaugG Polymerase subunit PB1 and mitochondrialprotein Chen et al., 2001
Barley yellow dwarf luteovirus Subgenomic mRNA UGAaugA; tested Coat protein and p17 Dinesh-Kumar and Miller, 1993
Turnip yellow mosaic viruse Genomic mRNA CAAaugA p69 and p206replicase Weiland and Dreher, 1989
Cucumber necrosis virus 0.9 kb subgenomic mRNA UUCaugG; tested p21 and p20 Johnston and Rochon, 1996
Peanut clump furovirus RNA segment 2 CUUaugU; tested p23 (coat) and p39 Herzog et al., 1995
Potato virus X potexvirus Subgenomic mRNA CAUaugU; tested 12 and 8kDa movement proteins Verchot et al., 1998
Southern bean mosaic virusg Genomic mRNA UUUaugA; tested p21 movement protein and p105polymerase Sivakumaran and Hacker, 1998
Baculovirusd IE0 mRNA GACaugA Long and short forms of transactivator (IE0, IE1) Theilmann et al., 2001

Some additional examples of leaky scanning are described in Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and in the text.


In all mRNAs here listed, the sequence flanking the first start codon deviates from the consensus sequence in position −3 and/or position +4, highlighted by underlining. When the postulated link between context and leaky scanning was tested (so marked in this column), mutations that improved the context at the first start site diminished access to the downstream start site. This test failed only with cucumber necrosis virus, where the short distance between the m7G cap and AUG#1 allowed some leaky scanning even when the context was optimized.


In some cases the first and second AUG codons are in the same reading frame, generating long and short versions of the encoded protein which may function differently. In cases where the first and second start codons are in different reading frames, indicated by italicizing the second product, the extent of overlap between the two ORFs ranges from a few codons (peanut clump virus, southern bean mosaic virus) to 626 codons (turnip yellow mosaic virus).


Access to the downstream initiation site via leaky scanning is augmented by a reinitiation shunt, as explained in the text (Section 4.3) and diagrammed in Fig. 1 for C/EBPβ mRNA.


Mutations that eliminate AUG#1 usually increase production of the second, downstream protein. In rare cases where the expected increase was not seen (e.g. von Hippel-Lindau, turnip yellow mosaic virus), it might be because translation of the second protein was restricted at the level of elongation. For a similar reason, improving the context around AUG#1 occasionally fails to elevate production of the protein there initiated (Fajardo and Shatkin, 1990). These entries nevertheless satisfy the main prediction of the leaky scanning mechanism, which is that improving the context around AUG#1 prevents initiation from the second, downstream site (Fajardo and Shatkin, 1990, Iliopoulos et al., 1998).


Whereas feline leukemia virus produces an N-terminally-extended, glycosylated form of Gag (gp80gag) from the indicated weak AUG codon, the corresponding upstream start site in murine leukemia virus is ACCCUGG (Portis et al., 1994). When that site was experimentally ablated, however, revertants expressed the extended protein from a weak upstream AUG codon (UUUaugG) created by a point mutation. Those revertants were selected because the extra glycosylated form of Gag contributes to viral spread (Portis et al., 1996).


In the mRNAs from baboon reovirus, influenza A virus, and southern bean mosaic virus, the indicated proteins derive from the first (weak) and fourth AUG codons. AUG#2 and AUG#3 initiate small ORFs that terminate before AUG#4. Thus, a combination of leaky scanning and reinitiation probably mediates access to the downstream start site.