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. 2002 Nov 23;299(1):1–34. doi: 10.1016/S0378-1119(02)01056-9

Table 4.

Pathologies resulting from a change in mRNA structure which selectively abolishes production of the long or short form of a transcription factor

Gene Translational mechanism that normally generates two protein isoforms Disease-associated change in mRNA structure and translation References
C/EBPα (human) Two proteins from one mRNA via leaky scanning+reinitiation shunt In acutemyeloidleukemia, mutations near amino terminus eliminate production of longer isoform. Pabst et al., 2001
GATA1 (human) Two proteins from one mRNA via leaky scanning In Downsyndrome-relatedleukemia, premature stop codon eliminates production of longer isoform. Wechsler et al., 2002
LEF1 (human) Two proteins from two mRNAs (via two promoters) In coloncancer, failure to activate downstream promoter prevents production of shorter (inhibitory) isoform. Hovanes et al., 2001
Rx/rax (mouse) Two proteins from one mRNA via leaky scanninga In eyeless mice, mutation of second AUG, leaving only the weak upstream start codon, results in inadequate yield. Tucker et al., 2001

Here the long and short isoforms appear to function identically; the significance of the second AUGSTART codon pertains to boosting the overall protein yield. The eyeless mouse serves as a spontaneous model for human anophthalmia.