Figure 3. Raw data from Treatment Responder.
The raw daily diary data across outcomes and timepoints for a Treatment Responder is depicted for visual inspection and descriptive analysis. Via visual inspection, the baseline values across outcomes is relatively stable with modest improvements observed during the Education phase of treatment. The slope of improvement was much steeper during the Exposure phase, with stable improvement at 3-month follow-up, with re-emergence of pain related distress at 6-month follow-up. Comparing baseline to end of treatment (means phase A minus means phase B), Fear=1.04 (0.66), Avoidance=2.86 (0.90), and Acceptance=1.78 (0.84) improved with medium individual effects. Comparing baseline to 3-month follow-up (means phase A minus means phase C), Fear=5.01 (1.0), Avoidance=8.75 (1.0), Catastrophizing=3.84 (1.0), Pain=5.88 (1.0), and Acceptance=6.57 (1.0) improved with large individual effects. Interestingly at 6-month follow-up when compared baseline (means phase A-= minus means phase D), Avoidance=2.29 (1.0), Pain=5.53 (1.0), and Acceptance=3.60 (1.0) remained improved with large individual effects but fear and catastrophizing have re-emerged. Detailed individual data combining visual inspection and effect size calculation affords a focused view of the data that can immediately inform treatment delivery for this specific participant.