Table 3.
List of nonneuropathic localised amyloidosis type diseases
Protein or peptide | Associated disease | Native structure |
Amylin or Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) | Type II diabetes | Native structure unfolded |
Calcitonin | Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid | Native structure unfolded |
ANF | Atrial amyloidosis | Native structure unfolded |
Amyloid β peptide mutants | Hereditary cerebral haemorrhage and amyloidosis | Native structure unfolded |
Prolactin | Pituitary prolactinoma | α helical and 4-helical cytokines |
Insulin, Enfuviritide | Injection localised amyloidosis | α helical and insulin-like |
Keratin | Cutaneous lichen amyloidosis | Not known |
Amyloid β peptide | Inclusion body myositis | Native structure unfolded |
Lung surfactant protein C | Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis | Not known |
γ- crystallin | Cataract | β sheets like γ crystallin |
Corneodesmosin | Hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp | Native structure unfolded |
Lactotransferrin | Corneal dystrophy gelatinous like | α + β both, periplasmic binding protein II |
All of the nonneuropathic localised diseases mentioned above are sporadic although hereditary forms have also been reported except hereditary cerebellar haemorrhage and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis which are predominantly genetic although sporadic forms have also been reported (Chiti and Dobson 2017)