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. 2016 Aug 12;44:193–203. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.08.007

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Model description for the UAU-SIS dynamic. An individual can be in four different states: SU, SA, IU, and IA. The top (bottom) layer is the epidemic process for the aware (unaware) individuals, respectively. SU (SA) can be infected by an infectious neighbor in contact layer with a probability β (βA=γβ). IU and IA recovers to SU and SA, respectively, with the same probability μ; The left (right) flow is the awareness process for the susceptible (infected) individuals, respectively. SU can go to SA with a probability λ of being informed by an aware neighbor through information network, or induced by the infected neighbors in contact network with a probability κ. SA recovers to SU with a probability δ. IU can go to IA by informed the aware neighbors in information layer with a probability λ, or self-awareness with a probability σ, which is not related to the neighbor’s states. SA and IA can become unaware and return to SU and IU with the same probability δ.