PA-mediated impairment of insulin secretion is subdued by PKR inhibitors. a) Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion assay of PA untreated Beta-TC-6 cells (GSIS) pretreated by DMSO, oxindole, imoxin, and 2-AP. Medium replenished 5 min after switching cells from no-glucose medium to high-glucose medium (33 mM glucose). b) GSIS assay of PA-treated (400 μM PA) Beta-TC-6 cells pretreated by DMSO, oxindole, imoxin, and 2-AP. Medium replenished 5 min after switching cells from no-glucose medium to high-glucose medium (33 mM glucose). Insulin concentrations of imoxin and 2-AP pretreated cells compared to oxindole pretreated cells are significantly different at 20, 25, and 30 min (*P < 0.05). c) Expression of spliced XBP-1 mRNA (sXBP-1) in cell lysates from corresponding cells (*P < 0.05) normalized by actin mRNA expression. d) Expression of unspliced XBP-1 mRNA (uXBP-1) in cell lysates from corresponding cells normalized by actin mRNA expression. PA and glucose concentrations of the treatment steps (a, b, c and d) are shown below.