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. 2013 Jan 24;19(2):185–196. doi: 10.1097/JGP.0b013e3181e56d0f


Comparison of Baseline Variables, Process Indicators, and Outcome Variables

Preintervention Group (N = 66) ESPP Group (N = 351) Test Statistics p
Baseline variables
 Age (SD) 75.48 (6.907) 76.87 (8.039) t = −1.308a 0.192
 Sex (%)
  Male 24 (36.4) 150 (42.7) χ2 = 0.927b 0.336
  Female 42 (63.6) 201 (57.3)
Marital status (%)
 Married 24 (36.4) 155 (44.2) χ2 =1.653b 0.199
 Unmarried 42 (63.6) 190 (54.1)
Missing data 0 (0) 6 (1.7)
Living alone (%)
 Yes 15 (22.7) 31 (8.8) χ2 = 10.929b 0.001
 No 51 (77.3) 320 (91.2)
Financial support from social security system (%)
 Yes 27 (40.9) 120 (34.2) χ2 =1.099b 0.294
 No 39 (59.1) 231 (65.8)
Educational level (%)
 Primary or below 58 (87.9) 299 (85.2) χ2 = 0.225b 0.636
 Secondary or above 8 (12.1) 50 (14.2)
Missing data 0 (0) 2 (0.6)
Current diagnosis of depressive disorder (ICD-10) (%)
 Yes 45 (68.2) 170 (48.4) χ2 =8.675b 0.003
 No 21 (31.8) 181 (51.6)
Score on Geriatric Depression Scale (%)
 Below cutoff (<8) 14 (21.2) 132 (37.6) χ2 =6.563b 0.010
 At or above cutoff (≥8) 52 (78.8) 219 (62.4)
History of suicide attempt (excluding index attempt) (%)
 Yes 24 (36.4) 70 (19.9) χ2 =8.579b 0.003
 No 42 (63.6) 281 (80.1)
Method of index suicide attempt (%)
 Drug overdose + ingestion of nondrugs 26 (39.4) 99 (28.2) χ2 =4.500c 0.343
 Jumping from heights 14 (21.2) 71 (20.2)
 Hanging 7 (10.6) 48 (13.7)
 Stabbing/wrist laceration 5 (7.6) 47 (13.4)
 Others 14 (21.2) 86 (24.5)
Index attempt requiring hospitalization (%)
 Yes 46 (69.7) 228 (65) χ2 = 0.554b 0.457
 No 20 (30.3) 123 (35)
Process indicators
 Duration of psychogeriatric service contact/months (SD) 19.55 (7.181) 18.67 (8.065) t = 0.734d 0.464
Antidepressant prescriptions after index attempt (= 6 weeks) (%)
  Yes 46 (69.7) 276 (78.6) χ2 =2.521b 0.112
  No 20 (30.3) 75 (21.4)
 Duration of antidepressant prescriptions/months (SD) 14.06 (10.861) 15.37 (10.227) t = −0.918e 0.359
History of noncompliance with treatment (%)
  Yes 22 (33.3) 62 (17.7) χ2 =8.480b 0.004
  No 44 (66.7) 289 (82.3)
Outcome variables
 Repeat suicide attempt (%) 7 (10.61) 35 (9.97) χ2 = 0.025b 0.875
 Completed suicide (%) 5 (7.58) 7 (1.99) χ2 =6.192b 0.028f

Notes: SD: standard deviation.


t test with df = 415.


χ2 test with df = 1.


χ2 test with df = 4.


t test with df = 352.


t test with df = 407.


Fisher's exact test.