Visualisation of NG2 chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (NG2)-positive mural cells in
precapillary arterioles (PCAs).
Double immunostaining for NG2 (green) and α-smooth muscle actin
(α-SMA, red) combined with nuclear staining
(blue) reveals the round cell bodies of mural cells
(arrows) in the PCAs of rat rectal submucosa (A–C). Smooth muscle
cells in the connecting larger arteriole (asterisks) are also faintly
immunopositive for NG2. A bladder mucosal specimen of NG2 DsRed mouse demonstrates the
NG2-expressing suburotherial microvasculature consisting of a branching arteriolar
tree (a), PCAs (pca) and a capillary meshwork
(cap) (D). Mural cells in the PCA shows an oval or round cell body
and circumferentially-oriented processes (E). Micrographs in A–C are reproduced from
(17), and those in D and E are from (19) with permission.