Fig. 2.
Static hippocampal FC over 10-min fMRI scan. (A) Average right hippocampal FC across group of controls (top, n = 36), right TLE (middle, n = 28) and left TLE (bottom, n = 13). (B) Average left hippocampal FC across group of controls (top, n = 36), left TLE (middle, n = 13) and right TLE (bottom, n = 28). A total of 87 regions were included. Labels on the circumference indicate lobes. Solid black line indicates 0. Negative values of connectivity are indicated inside the black line. Thick red circumference indicates individual regional differences between groups for each hippocampus. Thin red circumference indicates lobe different between groups for each hippocampus. R = right, L = left, pref = prefrontal, par = parietal, occ = occipital, temp = temporal, mot/som = motor and somatosensory, sub = subcortical. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)