Fig. 4.
Dynamic left hippocampal FC states. (A) Four left hippocampal FC states (L1, L2, L3, L4) identified in 20 training control participants. Labels on the circumference indicate groups of regions. Solid black line indicates 0. R = right, L = left, pref = prefrontal, par = parietal, occ = occipital, temp = temporal, mot/som = motor and somatosensory, sub = subcortical. Colors in A correspond to colors in B and C. (B) Euclidean norm (distance) of hippocampal FC from each state for participants in each group. There was no difference between groups for any state. (C) Percent of scan time spent in each state indicated in A for participants in each group. There was no difference between groups for any state. In (B) and (C) Groups are controls (left, n = 36), left TLE (middle, n = 13) and right TLE (left, n = 13). Left and right bar in each indicates scan 1 and scan 2, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)