Fig. 3.
Tuning the hinge region can change the protein state. (A) Positions of key hinge residue G75 and backup hinge residue T76 have the potential to form an ion coordination site in the long state, shown here, but not in the short state. (B) Examples of natural sites include calcium-coordinating residues of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B (PDB ID 5CXF; blue) and nickel-coordinating residues of methylmalonyl CoA decarboxylase (PDB ID 1EF8; yellow). (C) Crystal structure of hinge modification XAX_GGDQ (orange; PDB ID 6NYK), like its parent XAX (green), is in the short state. (D) Crystal structure of hinge modification XXA_GVDQ (orange; PDB ID 6NZ1), like its parent XXA (green), is in the short state. (E) Crystal structure of hinge modification XAA_GGHN (PDB ID 6NZ3), unlike parent XAA, is in the long state.