The procedures for harvesting and preparing PLT grafts: (a) A longitudinal skin incision (solid line) at the posterolateral side of the fibula, 2 cm proximal to the posterior border of the lateral malleolus, (b) Exposing the distal end of the PLT with a mosquito hemostat, (c) Suture and Cutting off PLT at the distal end and putting the striper toward the proximal end and then pulling out the tendon of peroneus longus, (d) Moving the superficial fascia and fat of the PLT and trimming the rough edge carefully, (e) Doubling up the PLT to obtain a 2-strand graft and suturing its ends in a whipstitch style with a No. 2 non absorbable suture (ethibond) and measuring the length, (f) Measuring the diameter of PLT graft using a cylinder in 0.5-mm increments. The final diameter is the smallest possible diameter that allowed smooth passage of the graft.16