Representative confocal pictures of double immunostaining with CD31 (red) and PDGFRα (green) on Control and Cripto
My‐LOF TA sections at day 5 after injury. Split green and red channels of Fig
7E are shown.
Representative pictures of triple immunostaining with VEcad (red), KLF4 (green), and pSMAD3 (white) on Control and Cripto
My‐LOF TA sections at day 5 after injury. Merged channels of VEcad/KLF4 (top panels) and VEcad/pSMAD3 of Fig
7H are shown.
C, D
Representative pictures of double immunostaining with VEcad (red) and KLF4 (green) on Control and CriptoMy‐LOF TA sections at day 2 (C, left panels) and day 3 (D, left panels) after injury and quantification of VEcad/KLF4 double‐positive cells per area (mm2) at day 2 (C, right panel) and day 3 (D, right panel).
Data information: Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 100 μm. Confocal pictures (A) scale bar: 25 μm. Magnification of the boxes is 3.5×. Data are expressed as box plots displaying minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum (
n ≥ 5 biological replicates;
P = ns; Student's