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. 2015 Oct 3;85:254–272. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.09.018

Table 2.

Advantages and limitations of various enumeration techniques.

Bioaerosol sampling techniques Advantages of the technique Limitations of the technique
Culturable method
Classical microscopy Cost effective and easy to handle Only viable and culturable micro-organisms can be identified and not nonviable bioaerosol
Can be used to identify specific taxa of micro-organisms Thus do not act as a representative of the microorganisms in the bioaerosol
Poor precision of measurement.
Most probable number Relatively swift and easy to perform Being a statistical test it does not measure actual numbers of micro-organisms.
As the micro-organisms are grown in liquid media such technique is less susceptible to the culturability issues that affect selective isolation plate methods
Aggregates of cells may affect the result, thereby limiting the suitability of this method to analysis of bioaerosols.
LIF Sensitive Sometimes difficult to quantify due to collisional quenching of the excited state and potential photochemical effects.
Measurements are spatially resolved and can be further extended to laser imaging. Not all excited species fluoresces causing improper measurements.
MALDI-TOF Cheap technique and easy to operate The compound (such as proteins) to be analyzed should be in the databases.
Highly sensitive This technique is generally not suitable for compounds less than 600 Da in size due to intense matrix signal.
Very mild ionization technique used, thereby making analysis of mixture possible There is limitation in the resolution of this technique which can only be increased significantly by a reflector and or a delayed extraction.
LIBS Very little or no sample preparation is required that results in increased throughput, greater convenience and fewer opportunities for contamination to occur. Limited usage due to increased cost and system complexity
Very sensitive and requires very small amount of sample (thus sometimes referred to as “nondestructive” method) Sometimes regarded as semi quantitative technique as obtaining suitable standards is difficult.
Possibility of multi-elemental analysis simultaneously There are possibilities of large interference effects that include matrix interference as well as potential interference of particle size in case of aerosol.
Has the potential for direct detection in aerosols Less precision ranging from 5 to 10% depending upon excitation properties of laser, sample homogeneity and sample matrix
Simple process with rapid analytical capability as in a single step ablation and excitation process is carried out.

Nonculturable methods
Epifluorescence microscopy Both culturable and nonculturable cells can be counted making the results more representative of total numbers of micro-organisms in the bioaerosol. Restricted ability to identify specific taxa of micro-organisms
Relatively cheap operating costs Fluorochromes if binds to abiotic particles may result into false positive results.
High throughput of samples possible if image analysis system used Image analysis system may count abiotic particles within the same size parameters as microbial cells.
Not suitable for counting aggregates of cells
Overestimation due to binding to abiotic
Material may take place
PCR technique Remarkably sensitive technique The efficiency and size ranges of bioaerosol high volume samplers should be completely characterized which can otherwise affect the quantification by Quantitative PCR.
Applicable to any biological matter containing nucleic acid Possibility of inaccurate bioaerosol quantification due to improper sample preparation steps like filter elution/concentration and nucleic acid extraction
Detection and identification can be made independent of culturing thereby removing the need of specialized labs to perform cell cultures which require extensive biosafety infrastructure. Results may get affected by the presence of inhibitory PCR compounds in the samples.
Results are provided rapidly on the order of hours as compared to days or weeks.
Flow cytometry Same as for epifluorescence microscopy Same as for epifluorescence microscopy
Next generation sequencing Very sensitive technique In general experiment runs at al large scale
Can be applied to any biological sample containing nucleic acid. Has high startup cost
A significantly quicker sequencing technique for DNA and RNA in comparison to the traditional ones Multiple days of run time is usually required (except for 454 Roche sequencing)
Works on short read lengths (usually < 600 bp) thereby limiting the phylogenetic characterization
DGGE Simultaneous analysis of multiple samples are possible. Time consuming technique
Can monitor shift in the community with passage of time Multiple bands of single species may result in overestimation of community diversity due to microheterogeneity of rRNA.
Is very sensitive to any form of variation in DNA sequence Is a semi quantitative technique due to variation in 16S rRNA gene copy number in different species
Can analyze any microbial community without prior knowledge of species due to universal primers Limits phylogenetic characterization as it works with only short fragments
GC clamp can be variable every time it is synthesized potentially causing same 16S rRNA having different DGGE profiles.
Biomarkers Certain taxa of micro-organisms can be identified. No standard approach available for monitoring of biomarkers so as to provide certain information.
As whole cells are not measured, this technique is not prone to many of the limitations of culturable or nonculturable methods LAL assay types biomarker tests which are significantly used in bacterial bioaerosol analysis are affected by dust or other microbial cell components. This is likely to be a significant problem.

LIF, Laser Induced Fluorescence; MALDI-TOF, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/Ionization time of flight; LIB, Laser induced breakdown Spectroscopy.