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. 2007 Feb 2;35(1):25–32. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2006.07.002

Table 2.

List of questions included on the survey questionnaire

Answer options: (a) yes, (b) no, (c) don't know
Does your facility have Infection Control Professional representation on the Emergency Preparedness Planning Committee that includes bioterrorism response planning?
Does your hospital have plans/provisions for the rapid set-up of a negative pressure area in or near the hospital as a surge capacity measure?
Does your hospital have a plan/incentives/provisions to encourage health care workers to continue coming to work in the event of a major infectious disease outbreak?
Does your hospital have enough supplies (in the form of NIOSH-approved respirators for airborne isolation patients) for staff and a surge of 500 patients/visitors that will require extra safety measures for the next 3 days?
Does your hospital have enough supplies (in the form of surgical masks for droplet precautions) for staff and a surge of 500 patients/visitors that will require extra safety measures for the next 3 days?
In the past 3 years, has your facility participated in a bioterrorism/infectious disease exercise?
In the past 3 years, has your facility participated in a chemical agent exercise?
In the past 3 years, has your facility participated in a nuclear/radiologic exercise?
In the past 3 years, has your facility participated in a mass casualty exercise?
In the event of a major health emergency, has your hospital established plans or been involved in state/local planning efforts to care for patients at a non-health care facility, such as a community center, sports arena, or hotel?
Has your hospital worked with the state or local health department to plan for prioritizing hospital workers to receive health agency–managed vaccine or antivirals in the event of an infectious disease emergency?
Does your hospital have a surge capacity plan?
Is your hospital plan coordinated with local/regional emergency response plan(s)?
Can an infection control professional from your hospital be available for an immediate (within 15 minutes) verbal consultation (by way of phone or face-to-face) on a 24-hour/7-day basis with the hospital or public health personnel?

Answer options: (a) sufficient for <50 patients, (b) sufficient for 50 to 100 patients, (c) sufficient for >100 patients
Would your hospital have sufficient levels of health care workers, such as nurses, physicians, pharmacists, radiology technicians, and respiratory therapists, to respond to a major infectious disease outbreak?

Answer options: (a) for current isolation needs, (b) for ≤10 patients, (c) for 11 to 50 patients, (d) for >50 patients
Does your facility have sufficient numbers of negative pressure rooms to accommodate a surge of the following:

Answer options: (a) for 10 additional ventilated patients, (b) for 100 additional ventilated patients, (c) for 500 additional ventilated patients
Does your hospital currently have sufficient medical equipment and supplies for surge capacity needs for patients requiring mechanical ventilation?