Fig. 2.
Epicurve of visceral leishmaniasis cases, Marsabit County Referral Hospital, Kenya, 2014 n = 136. The index case was reported in October 2013. On 11th May 2014, the Ministry of Health was notified of 18 laboratory (rK39) confirmed visceral leishmaniasis cases in Marsabit County from 10th to 21st May 2014. This prompted the Ministry of Health to conduct field investigation to confirm the existence of an outbreak and epidemiologically characterize the outbreak in Marsabit County. New cases continued being seen at the various facilities within the county after visceral leishmaniasis sensitization. Between May and September 2014, 118 visceral leishmaniasis cases have been reported in Marsabit County Hospital of which 12 (10%) cases have been lost to death. In the month of October 2014, follow up investigation was conducted to update the line list, clinically characterize the cases, and describe regimens used to manage the cases and their treatment outcome