Figure 1. Overexpressing PLPPR1 deceased cell migration and increases cell adhesion.
(A) Cell trajectories during migration were evaluated in Neuro2a cells transfected with EGFP (left) or PLPPR1 (right), using the middle of each cell body as a point of reference. (B) Speed of migrating cells and (C) distance travelled were determined using NIS Elements software. EGFP, n= 38 cells; PLPPR1, n = 52 cells. Data represent mean ± SEM. p-values were calculated using Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction, ****p < 0.0001. Experiment was conducted in triplicate. (D) Representative images of Neuro2a cells transfected with either EGFP (top) or PLPPR1 (bottom) and subjected to trypsin treatment over time. Scale bar, 100 μm. (E) Quantification of the number of adherent cells resistant to detachment was determined as a percentage of total unwashed transfected cells. Data represents mean ± SEM. p-values were calculated using two-way ANOVA repeated measures with Tukey’s posthoc analysis. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Experiment was conducted in triplicate. (F) (Left) Representative confocal images of cells expressing either EGFP (top) or PLPPR1 (bottom). (Center) IRM images of the respective cells Scale bar = 10 μm and white boxes to highlight the inset Scale bar = 2 μm. (Right) A color map ‘Gem’ from ImageJ is used to display higher intensity pixels as blue and lower intensity as orange which represent stronger and weaker adhesions respectively. (G) Quantification of average area of cell attachment to the fibronectin substrate. EGFP, n = 14 cells; PLPPR1, n = 13 cells. Data represent mean ± SEM. p-values were calculated using Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction. **p < 0.01.