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. 2020 Apr 2;33(2):99–107. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2019.1547

Table 1.

Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics (Safety Set)

Characteristic T (n = 512) R (n = 512) Placebo (n = 103) Total (n = 1127)
Age, mean (range), years 42.6 (18–84) 42.5 (18–81) 43.5 (18–77) 42.6 (18–84)
Males, n (%) 206 (40.2) 203 (39.6) 39 (37.9) 448 (39.8)
Race, n (%)
 White 378 (73.8) 372 (72.7) 73 (70.9) 823 (73.0)
 Black/African American 92 (18.0) 98 (19.1) 22 (21.4) 212 (18.8)
 Other 42 (8.2) 42 (8.2) 8 (7.8) 92 (8.2)
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m2 29.4 (6.0) 29.1 (5.9) 29.4 (5.9) 29.3 (5.9)
Duration of asthma, mean (range), years 26.9 (0.3–79.8) 27.1 (0.8–70.7) 28.3 (0.6–65.8) 27.1 (0.3–79.8)
Prior asthma medication, n (%)
 ICS or ICS/LABA 275 (53.7) 272 (53.1) 60 (58.3) 607 (53.9)
 ICS 86 (16.8) 97 (18.9) 20 (19.4) 203 (18.0)
 ICS/LABA 189 (36.9) 175 (34.2) 40 (38.8) 404 (35.8)
Prebronchodilator spirometry
n 512 511 103 1126
 FEV1, mean (SD), L 2.33 (0.61) 2.32 (0.61) 2.28 (0.59) 2.32 (0.61)
 FVC, mean (SD), L 3.46 (1.00) 3.41 (0.95) 3.42 (0.94) 3.43 (0.97)
 FEV1/FVC, mean (SD), % 68.60 (9.05) 69.97 (9.30) 67.88 (9.39) 68.70 (9.19)
 FEV1, mean (SD), % predicted 69.92 (8.64) 70.05 (8.83) 69.48 (9.03) 69.94 (8.76)
FEV1 reversibility
n 511 511 103 1125
 Improvement, mean (SD), % 23.23 (15.37) 24.43 (16.80) 23.97 (16.88) 23.84 (16.17)
 Reversibility, mean (SD), L 0.53 (0.29) 0.55 (0.32) 0.53 (0.30) 0.54 (0.30)

BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting β-agonist; R, reference product (Advair Diskus); SD, standard deviation; T, test product (Wixela Inhub).