Resistance and resilience of soil mesocosm communities to a thermal press. (a) Temporal series of community divergence from pre-disturbance community (week 4) in Control (gold solid line), Disturbance (blue short dashed line) and Disturbance + Immigration (pink long dashed line) to calculate resistance and resilience. (b) Resistance of disturbed mesocosms at week 10, the time point of maximum community change after the thermal press begins. (c–e) Resilience of disturbed mesocosms without (−) and with (+) immigration, calculated after the thermal press is released (week 16) for the (c) full recovery to week 45, (d) initial recovery to week 20, and also for (e) long-term recovery from weeks 20 to 45. Asterisks indicate significant differences by a Kruskal–Wallis test (n.s., not significant; *p < 0.1).