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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Cognition. 2019 Sep 14;193:103991. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.06.003
Images Label

Familiar Unfamiliar Group1 Group2 Conditions

dove 1 dove bove coronal
donkey 2 donkey bonkey coronal
diver 3 diver biver coronal
dome 4 dome bome coronal
diamond 5 diamond biamond coronal
dolphin 6 dolphin bophin coronal
dipper 7 bipper dipper coronal
doctor 8 boctor doctor coronal
dish 9 bish dish coronal
dice 10 bice dice coronal
diary 11 biary diary coronal
desert 12 besert desert coronal
desk 13 desk gesk coronal
disk 14 disk gisk coronal
duck 15 duck guck coronal
diaper 16 giaper diaper coronal
daisy 17 gaisy daisy coronal
donut 18 gonut donut coronal
toe 19 toe koe coronal
TV 20 TV KV coronal
tent 21 tent kent coronal
tank 22 tank kank coronal
ticket 23 ticket kicket coronal
tissue 24 tissue kissue coronal
tower 25 kower tower coronal
tail 26 kail tail coronal
taxi 27 kaxi taxi coronal
toilet 28 koilet toilet coronal
tadpole 29 kadpole tadpole coronal
tie 30 kie tie coronal
turkey 31 turkey purkey coronal
tape 32 tape pape coronal
turtle 33 turtle purtle coronal
table 34 table pable coronal
tiger 35 tiger piger coronal
toad 36 toad poad coronal
bench 37 dench bench noncoronal
boat 38 doat boat noncoronal
bone 39 doan boat noncoronal
bowl 40 dowl bowl noncoronal
boy 41 doy boy noncoronal
book 42 dook book noncoronal
box 43 box dox noncoronal
bath 44 bath dath noncoronal
bird 45 bird dird noncoronal
bat 46 bat dat noncoronal
boot 47 boot doot noncoronal
bus 48 bus dus noncoronal
coach 49 toach coach noncoronal
cotton 50 totton cotton noncoronal
couch 51 tauch couch noncoronal
cage 52 tage cage noncoronal
cougar 53 tougar cougar noncoronal
keg 54 teg keg noncoronal
cushion 55 cushion tushion noncoronal
curtain 56 curtain turtain noncoronal
kettle 57 kettle tettle noncoronal
camel 58 camel tamel noncoronal
canoe 59 canoe tanoe noncoronal
candy 60 candy tandy noncoronal
pear 61 tare pear noncoronal
pasta 62 tasta pasta noncoronal
pizza 63 tizza pizza noncoronal
piano 64 piano tiano noncoronal
pencil 65 pencil tencil noncoronal
parrot 66 parrot tarrot noncoronal
girl 67 girl dirl noncoronal
gift 68 gift dift noncoronal
goose 69 goose doose noncoronal
garlic 70 darlic garlic noncoronal
ghost 71 dhost ghost noncoronal
garden 72 darden garden noncoronal
ear 73 ear ear correct filler
fan 74 fan fan correct filler
spoon 75 spoon spoon correct filler
tree 76 tree tree correct filler
hand 77 hand hand correct filler
hat 78 hat hat correct filler
bread 79 bread bread correct filler
flag 80 flag flag correct filler
foot 81 foot foot correct filler
ladder 82 ladder ladder correct filler
fox 83 fox fox correct filler
guitar 84 guitar guitar correct filler
comb 85 comb comb correct filler
mango 86 mango mango correct filler
pen 87 pen pen correct filler
vase 88 vase vase correct filler
wine 89 wine wine correct filler
watch 90 watch watch correct filler
bermate 91 bermate bermate novel filler
dalok 92 dalok dalok novel filler
dwatch 93 dwatch dwatch novel filler
golpsle 94 golpsle golpsle novel filler
gomtox 95 gomtox gomtox novel filler
boupet 96 boupet boupet novel filler
lepter 97 lepter lepter novel filler
nando 98 nando nando novel filler
nescot 99 nescot nescot novel filler
quish 100 quish quish novel filler
fansel 101 fansel fansel novel filler
fapton 102 fapton fapton novel filler
holek 103 holek holek novel filler
stipe 104 stipe stipe novel filler
swike 105 swike swike novel filler
topal 106 topal topal novel filler
twipter 107 twipter twipter novel filler
suple 108 suple suple novel filler

The numbers in the column are numbered novel objects. Since there is no name for these objects, we used numbers to label them. See Figure 6 for an example of one of these novel objects, and see supplementary materials for a complete list of the novel objects used in the current experiment.