Appendix 1.
The search strategy was developed based on the following clinical question and its respective concept map: What is the effectiveness of exercise training (ET) with blood flow restriction (BFR) compared to ET without BFR on maximal aerobic capacity in healthy adults?
P: Healthy adults | I: ET with BFR | C: ET without BFR | 0: Maximal aerobic capacity |
Aerobic Exercise (MeSH) | Oxygen Consumption (MeSH) | ||
Exercise Training (MeSH) | Aerobic Capacity (KW) | ||
Blood Flow Restriction (KW) | Oxygen Uptake (KW) | ||
Kaatsu Training (KW) | V02 (KW) |
Search: (((((aerobic exercise) OR exercise training) AND “blood flow restriction”) OR “kaatsu training”)) AND (((((“oxygen consumption”[MeSH Terms] OR “oxygen consumption” [All Fields])) OR “aerobic capacity”) OR “oxygen uptake”) OR “vo2”)