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. 2016 Aug 9;30(3):661–687. doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2016.04.003

Table 1.

Outbreak organisms

Organism, Type of Infection(s) Associated with Outbreak, Process Common Reservoirs Potential Sources and/or Sites Associated with Outbreaks Method of Detection: P = Patients, E = Environmental Source Comments
Acinetobacter species
Wounds, bloodstream and respiratory tract
Infection and/or colonization
Wounds, genitourinary tract (GU), peri-rectal (PR) area, skin Instrumentation, burns, trauma, surgery, respiratory equipment, gloves, parenteral nutrition, water P = micro cultures
E = surface swabs and culture of potentially implicated items
Intensive care units, patients returning from war zones; immunocompromised population
Contaminates the environment extensively and can be difficult to eradicate
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC); disseminated infection, cystitis
Oral pharyngeal secretions, urine Equipment (tonometers) and health care workers P = viral cultures, PCR
E = not known to be useful
Ophthalmology patients, NICU patients, immunocompromised patients
Aspergillus spp
Bloodstream, lower respiratory tract
Infection and/or colonization
Air, dust, mold Building demolition, renovation or construction sites, ventilation systems, dust-generating activities P = microbiologic clinical (micro) cultures
E = air sampling, surface samples
Often pathogenic in immunocompromised populations, and premature infants
Can see increases with floods, severe weather events such as hurricanes
Burkholderia cepacia
Infection and/or colonization
Oropharynx, skin Water, contaminated solutions and skin disinfectants, contaminated equipment P = micro cultures, stool
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Disinfectants (especially those containing iodine), water, solutions
Candida species
Skin (intertriginous areas) Hands, onycholysis, devices P = micro cultures
E = cultures of hands and nail beds
Immunocompromised population at increased risk
Campylobacter fetus Gastrointestinal Food P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items/personnel
NICU patients at risk
Enterobacter species
Urinary tract, bloodstream
Infection and colonization
PR, bloodstream, wounds Contaminated IV fluids, total parenteral nutrition
P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Intensive care units, reuse of calibrated pressure transducers
Enterococcus faecalis and faecium (Enterococcus or Group D)
Neonatal sepsis, cystitis, bacteremia
Infection and/or colonization with resistant strains (VRE)
GU, PR, Gastrointestinal (GI) tract Neonates/surgical patients/transplant patients P = stool, peri-rectal vaginal cultures; hand cultures
E = used for vancomycin-resistant strains, primarily surface samples
Vancomycin resistant strains (VRE) do contaminate the environment and hands of health care personnel; environmental cultures are not used for susceptible strains
Escherichia coli
Epidemic diarrhea, wounds and surgical incisions, urinary tract, bloodstream, neonatal sepsis or meningitis
GI tract, skin, wounds Equipment or fluids contaminated with organisms from lower GI tract, contaminated fluids P = micro cultures, stool
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Very common normal flora
E coli O157:H7 and other hemorrhagic species
Diarrhea and hemorrhagic colitis
GI tract of animals Contaminated water, and foods (meat, salads) P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura are sequelae, high mortality among elderly and extremely young, cross contamination described
Hepatitis A
Liver, stool, blood Hands/foods, transfusion P = micro cultures
E = not known to be useful, cultures of potentially implicated personnel
Cross contamination described
Hepatitis B
Liver, blood, and sterile body fluids Blood and secretions, transfusions, improperly cleaned equipment, poor infection control practices P = serology
E = not known to be useful, cultures of potentially implicated personnel
Patients with diabetes, on dialysis, patients in psychiatric units
Hepatitis C
Liver, blood, and sterile body fluids Blood and secretions, transfusions, improperly cleaned equipment, multidose vials, poor infection-control practices P = serology
E = not known to be useful although recently integrated into an outbreak investigation, cultures of potentially implicated personnel
Patients on dialysis, patients in psychiatric units
Herpes virus infection
Skin, pneumonia, mucosal surfaces
Infection and/or colonization
Skin, saliva Patients and health care workers P = micro cultures
E = not known to be useful
Outbreaks reported when patients shed or with lesions in health care workers
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Urinary tract, pneumonia, bloodstream and neonatal infections
Infection and/or colonization
PR, nares, mouth, wounds, skin, blood Urinary catheters, hand lotions, contaminated fluids, ventilators, eczema
Foodborne outbreaks recently reported
P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Can be resistant to extended beta lactamases and carbapenemase; cross contamination described; rarely contaminates the environment
Legionella pneumophila and other species
Water Potable water, air conditioning units, cooling towers, ice machines, construction P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items/personnel
Can be associated with intense media scrutiny; 1 health care–associated case should trigger an investigation
Listeria monocytogenes
Bloodstream and central nervous system infections
Food Contaminated foods P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Immunocompromised and mother-infant pairs at highest risk
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Lungs, can disseminate Airborne, improperly cleaned equipment P = culture and PCR
E = not known to be useful, cultures of potentially implicated personnel
Health care transmission suggests poor infection control
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium gordonae)
Respiratory, skin, bloodstream
Infection and/or colonization
Lungs, skin Contaminated water, improperly cleaned and sterilized equipment P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Associated with pseudo-outbreaks
Reuse of improperly cleaned dialyzers, contaminated ice machines and other equipment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Burns, wounds, urinary tract, pneumonia
Infection and/or colonization
Gastrointestinal tract Ventilators, whirlpools, sitz baths, solutions (mouthwash), any other water sources P = micro cultures, stool,
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Primarily seen in immunocompromised patients and can be normal flora
Ralstonia pickettii
Skin, oropharynx, blood Water including sterile, skin disinfectants, incubator water baths P = micro cultures, stool
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Deliberate contamination of sterile fluids has been reported
Neonates and immunocompromised hosts
Salmonella species
GI infections, bloodstream
Infection and/or colonization
GI and biliary tract Contaminated food, dairy, eggs/poultry, contaminated blood products P = stool, blood cultures
E = not known to be useful
Not normal flora, cross contamination reported
Serratia marcescens
Urinary tract, bloodstream, respiratory
Infection and/or colonization
GI and GU Solutions, inhalation therapy equipment, disinfectants, plasma, EDTA collection tubes, air conditioning vents, improperly cleaned equipment, chlorhexidine P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items
Cross contamination well described, reuse of calibrated pressure transducers
Staphylococcus aureus includes methicillin-resistant strains
Surgical site, bloodstream
Infection and or colonization
Human skin, anterior nares, skin, throat and upper respiratory tract, rarely rectal Nasal/skin carriage in health care workers
Increased nurse-to-patient ratios
P = microbiologic cultures
E = hand and anterior nares cultures; rarely environmental cultures are indicated including settle plates if looking for a cloud spreader
Usually associated with surgical site and bloodstream infections, molecular and genotypic typing can determine whether there is a point source or technical problems. Point source can be from a carrier and would require cultures of staff and other patients; technical failures can lead to rhinovirus infection may be a risk factor, cross contamination well described for human shedding
Staphylococcus species (coagulase negative)
Human skin IV fluids, contaminated hands of health care workers, implanted devices P = microbiologic cultures
E = not known to be useful
Pathogenic in immunocompromised hosts and premature infants; commonly a contaminant
Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A)
Deep wounds or intra-abdominal abscess, bloodstream infections
Upper respiratory tract, perianal area (rectum and vagina) Carriage among health care workers P = wound, stool cultures
E = settle plates
Not commonly normal flora; threshold for a health care–associated investigation: 1 case
Varicella infections
Skin, respiratory
Disseminated or localized infection
Secretions and skin lesions Poor ventilation P = viral cultures, PCR or serology
E = not known to be useful
Children and immunocompromised patients at risk
Unvaccinated exposed can develop disease
Yersinia enterocolitica
Bloodstream, GI tract
GI tract Packed red blood cells P = micro cultures
E = cultures of potentially implicated items

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PFGE, pulse field gel electrophoresis.