(a) Spearman correlation coefficient between gene expression levels
(log2(tpm +1)) and SNP allelic imbalance (distance to 0.5 reference fraction)
across time for all dynASE events at 5% FDR. (b) Specific examples of allelic
imbalance for a heterozygous SNP in an individual, associated with the
expression levels log2(tpm+1) of its gene. Red dot indicates 0 hour time point.
Consecutive time points are connected by solid lines, arrows indicate direction
of time. (c-d) DynASE examples for two autoimmune disease genes. N = 24 for gene
expression, 1 for ASE. (e) Fold enrichment of dynASE genes (blue) in risk loci
for autoimmune diseases and 3 non-immune mediated diseases, using 1000 null sets
of loci matched by number of loci per disease and number of genes per locus.
Same for genes with significant ASE at 0 hours (green), and naive T cell eQTL
genes (pink). Filled circles mark permutation P < 0.01, empty circles
mark permutation P > 0.01.