Table 2.
Chronologic listing of 2-1-1 cost–benefit analyses
Document title | Year | Author | Jurisdiction | Cost–benefit analysis referenced | Valuation time frame (years) |
The value of a comprehensive Texas information and referral network42 | 1998 | King CT, O'Shea DP, Betsinger AM | Texas | None | 10 |
Final 211 report: survey of existing I&R services and a Nebraska 211 system cost/benefit analysis43 | 2000 | University of Nebraska Public Policy Center | Nebraska | Texas 1998 | 5 |
The value of a comprehensive Texas information and referral network: August 2000 update44 | 2000 | O'Shea DP, Kegler L, King CT | Texas | Texas 1998 | 10 |
Maryland 2-1-1: benefits and costs of a 2-1-1 system for Maryland45 | 2001 | PSComm, LLC | Maryland | Nebraska | 1 |
National benefit/cost analysis of three digit–accessed telephone information and referral services: final report46 | 2004 | O'Shea D, King CT, Greenfield S, Shelton E, Sullivan L, Taber E, Olson JA | United States | None | 10 |
WIN 2-1-1: performance evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of 2-1-1 I&R systems47 | 2005 | Fisher KE, Saxton M, Naumer C, Pusateri C | Washington | Texas 1998; Nebraska; Maryland; National | Not applicable |
Arkansas 211 system cost/benefit analysis48 | 2009 | Arkansas 211 | Arkansas | Nebraska | 1 |
Benefit/cost analysis of Aloha United Way's 211 program49 | 2009 | Souke J, Takenaka A, Roberts B, Ng C | Hawaii | Maryland; National; Arkansas | 10 |
Michigan 2-1-1 business plan50 | 2011 | Michigan 2-1-1 | Michigan | None | 10 |
I&R, information and referral; WIN, Washington Information Network