(A) CHX chase for the indicated times at 37°C assessing the turnover of sam35-2HAts or sen2-1HAts (pMM157 or 160, respectively) in vms1Δ compared to isogenic WT (BY4741). Proteins were detected by immunoblotting. Percentage of each ts- substrate remaining is labeled for each time point under blots. (B) CHX chase for the indicated times at 37°C assessing the turnover of sam35-2HAts or sen2-1HAts (pMM157 or 160, respectively) in the indicated UBX protein deletion strains compared to isogenic WT (BY4741). (C) CHX chase for the indicated times at 37°C assessing the turnover of SAM35HA or SEN2HA (pMM158 or 159, respectively) in ubx2Δ (yJS155) compared to isogenic WT (BY4741). (D) Co-IP of Ubx2-FLAG (pMM242) with SAM35HA, sam35-2HAts, SEN2HA, or sen2-1HAts (pMM232, pMM231, pMM233, and 234, respectively) from pre1-1 pre2-2 (WCG4-11/21a) cells was assessed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. IP of Ubx2-FLAG from cells co-expressing EV (pRS316) in place of HA-tagged substrates and 0.5% of the input lysate are shown for comparison. (E) CHX chase for the indicated times at 30°C assessing the turnover of Fzo1HA (pADH1-Fzo1pHA) in WT (BY4741) and doa1Δ (yJS208) strains. (F) CHX chase for the indicated times at 30°C assessing the turnover of Fzo1HA (pADH1-Fzo1pHA) in WT (BY4741) and ubx2Δ (yJS155) cells co-expressing either EV (pRS315) or Ubx2-FLAG (pMM242). (G) Co-IP of Ubx2-FLAG (pMM242) with Fzo1HA (pADH1-Fzo1pHA) from pre1-1 pre2-2 (WCG4-11/21a) cells was assessed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. Negative control of IP of Ubx2-FLAG from cells co-expressing empty vector (pRS316) in place of HA-tagged substrates is shown, as is 0.5% of the input lysate. (H) Ubiquitination of Fzo1HA was assessed by IP using TUBE agarose from ubx2Δ (yJS155) and WT (BY4741) lysates expressing EV (pRS316) or Fzo1HA (pADH1-Fzo1pHA) followed by immunoblotting with HA antibody. 2.5% of the TUBE input lysate was reserved and analyzed by immunoblotting. (I) Microscopy analysis of immobilized Ubx2-GFP cells co-expressing either mtRFP (pMD12) to label mitochondria or SEC63-RFP (pSM1959) to label the ER. Some regions of co-localization are highlighted with yellow arrows. ‘Merge’ of GFP (green) and RFP (magenta) channels and differential interference contrast (DIC) are shown; scale bar = 10 um. (J) CHX chase for the indicated times at 37°C assessing the turnover of sam35-2HAts or sen2-1HAts (pMM157 or 160, respectively) in WT (BY4741) and mmm1Δ, mdm12Δ, mdm34Δ, and mdm10Δ strains. (K, L) CHX chase for the indicated times at 37°C assessing the turnover of sam35-2HAts or sen2-1HAts (pMM157 or 160, respectively) in a ubc6Δubc7Δ (K; SM5364) or doa10Δhrd1Δ (L, SM5360) strains relative to their isogenic WT strain (BY4741). (M) CHX chase for the indicated times at 30°C assessing the turnover of Fzo1HA (pADH1-Fzo1pHA) in WT (BY4741) and mmm1Δ, mdm12Δ, mdm34Δ, and mdm10Δ strains. (N) Lysates from WT (BY4741) and ubx2Δ (yJS155) cells expressing Fzo1HA (pMM190) were fractionated at 12,000xg at 37°C into mitochondrial pellets (P) and post-mitochondrial supernatants (S). Fractions were subject to immunoblotting with antibodies to HA, PGK, and PORIN.