A) Sequence of events in a trial of Experiments 1 and 2. Participants first saw a search cue consisting of two feature values (a color and a shape) that randomly changed on a trial-by-trial basis. Next, they searched for a target object in the search array that matched either of the two cued feature values. The search task was present/absent, except in Experiment 2B (internal bar orientation report). Note that the embedded horizontal or vertical bars were present in all sub-experiments but were task relevant only in Experiment 2B. B) Search conditions and other manipulations. The right side of Panel B illustrates the main search conditions. There were three target-present conditions. In the two single-target conditions, the target object matched one of the two cued feature values but not the other. In the redundant-target condition, the target matched both feature values. Finally, on target-absent trials, neither feature value was present (there were no target-absent trials in Experiment 2B). Note that in Experiment 1A, 2A, and 2B, when redundant target features were present, they were associated with the same object in the search array. In Experiment 1B, they were associated with different objects in the search array. Finally, the left side of Panel B illustrates the cue manipulation. In Experiment 1 the two cued feature values were presented as part of a single object (integrated cue). In Experiment 2, these values were presented as parts of two separate objects (separated cue).